Saturday, January 4, 2020

Validity and Reliability of Interview as Selection Method

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 THE SELECTION METHOD CONCEPTS 1 3.0 THE JOB INTERVIEW 3 * 3.1 RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF THE JOB INTERVIEW 4 * 3.2 STRUCTURING THE CONTENT OF THE INTERVIEW 5 4.0 INTERVIEW IS THE BEST SELECTION METHOD? 6 5.0 CONCLUSION 7 6.0 LIST OF REFERENCES 8 1.0 INTRODUCTION Workforce planning is a systematic process in which the organization identifies the human resource needs and have it aligned to meet the organization’s goals, visions and missions. Comprising of several diverse roles in the Human Resource function itself, it is the core duty for every personnel department to manage it’s staffing effectively by recruiting,†¦show more content†¦In the recruitment and selection context, the validity tests to the degree whereby scores of a selected method corresponds to actual job performance. If an applicants for a job who scored higher in aptitude tests turns out to be high performers, and is proven from statistics, then validity of the selection method is validated. An invalid selection method would only waste the organization’s scarce resources but also sometimes pose as a legal problem. A pilot which can perform in his written tests during a job application does not necessarily guarantees that performance in the cockpit would be of the same excellence. Other restraints in establishing validity in a selection method usually boils down to the reluctance of candidates to participate in tests or faking. To measure validity and reliability in a selection method is difficult but both the concepts’ standards assists to provide better decision making to HR in hiring employees. To ensure validity and reliability in a selection method, proper planning like structuring of interviews can enhance the credibility of a technique. 3.0 THE JOB INTERVIEW The job interview is an interview to determine whether an applicant is suitable for a position of employment. It is usually preceded by the evaluation of resumes from interested candidates which passed the initial screening stage. Interviews remain most popular in selection methods because asShow MoreRelatedStaffing System For A Job1719 Words   |  7 Pagesin staffing organizations, as it is a method used for assessing aspects within the organization. A system without methods would have no efficient method for determining a framework in the process of selection. 2. Describe how you might go about determining scores for applicants’ responses to (a) interview questions, (b) letters of recommendation, and (c) questions about previous work experience. 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