Saturday, February 22, 2020

Second Language Learning. Application Of Language Strategies In School Thesis

Second Language Learning. Application Of Language Strategies In School - Thesis Example Twelve percent represents the number of children that need special care and attention. Numerous studies indicate that a good number of English language learners are represented in special schools. Other states show that there are over fourth percent of these students in special schools. Other studies have indicated that, in other states they represented by only one percent. An English learner consists of many different children of different age groups. These students have different stages of acquiring English language. Most of the states have established different programs that are used to educate the English learners. Some of the programs are; English as a second language. In this program, emphasis has been put on learning and using English in the classroom setting. The students may be placed in class as English second language learners. The second program is bilingual transitional, here second language students are allowed to use native language in learning English as a second lang uage. Development bilingual education is the third program. In this program the students’ native language is developed as well as English language. The English language learners have a right to acquiring English as a second language, and they need support from teachers to acquire the English language effectively. The term student with limited English proficiency is used by the federal government and state laws or English language learners or English learners to describe the English second language learners. These terms are used because they give focus on what the students are achieving. English language learners refer to the group of students whose native language is not English, and are not in a position to take part in the learning process using English. Second language learning or acquisitions refers to the process whereby a child or an individual learn a second language in this case English normally abbreviated SL. The second language learners acquire English language fol lowing similar stage, but the rate at which a child stays in a given stage depends on the individual different of the learners. The stages of acquiring language are one the pre-production stage where the learners keep on repeating what the teacher says, two early production stage, in this stage the students develops vocabulary and speak. Stage three the learners have developed vocabulary up to 3000 words, and can communicate with simple phrases and simple sentences that may not be grammatically correct. Stage four is the intermediate fluency at this stage the students are in a position to a position to use complex words and construct complex sentences. They have also developed more than 6000 vocabulary. Lastly the fifth stage, the students at this stage are near fluency and can speak like the native speakers, and it takes them four to five years to get to this stage. Some researches have indicated the use of language strategies to teach English language learners to produce positive effects among these students. This notion has brought lots of interest in investigating the effects of using language strategies in teaching English language learners. Learning strategies depend on the individual language leaner and the instructional procedures employed by the teachers during the teaching learning process. This paper presents effective language strategies for special education English language learners. It is often thought the bilingual children growing in English speaking countries live in two different worlds. These are; English language culture and their home language culture. This make the student face problems while learning English as their second language. Some of the bilingual chi

Thursday, February 6, 2020

2 Papers for Political Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

2 Papers for Political Science - Essay Example (MSNBC, 2005). This was so done on a two cent piece. It was however, not until almost a century later that the words â€Å"In God We Trust† appeared on U.S. currency as they do today, â€Å"In 1955, the year after Congress inserted the words â€Å"under God† in the Pledge of Allegiance, Congress required all currency to carry the motto â€Å"In God We Trust.†(MSNBC, 2005). Separation of church and state has been a truly difficult feat from the issue of same sex marriage to the inclusion of references to god in the pledge of allegiance both in schools and during public events. The imposition felt by many is not so different from the early settlers who were puritanical in nature and imposed a rigid set of moral and religious codes for everyone, including the Native Americans who were imposed on by them, to follow. This even led to the fateful Salem witch trials when women who were thought to be witches were On the other hand, this congressional action of implementing the phrase â€Å"In God We Trust† on our currency, was done on the basis of the very principles upon which this country was founded. Although times have changed, making religion or belief in God, less and less of an openly discussed topic; the reversal of basic principles which are meant to remind every American where they came from and how this country was founded, is nothing shy of deconstructive. The pledge of allegiance which includes the phrase â€Å"one nation, under God† has become an oath which all Americans have taken at one time or another, and though America is a cultural melting pot, we are all united under fundamental ideas of freedom, liberty and unity ‘under God’. By dissecting the very basis of this ideology which we have all grown up embracing, we dissolve not only a tradition but a sense of basic accountability to stand together as a Nation under ‘God’,